> Additionally, even if elected, I reject an absolutist system of governance, where one monarch or a group of oligarchs have absolute control over defining right and wrong as their own subjective belief of what “the” absolute right and wrong is, as I reject any form of violence or generally restriction of any freedom (except for the freedom to take somebody’s freedom, of course). Moderators don't set site policy; in principle at least, that's what Meta is for, and lots of people (including you) are free to participate. They aren't free to operate independently of the broader community consensus about what is and isn't acceptable content/behavior here. In other words, they help enforce rules set by the community; they don't make the rules themselves. The mere fact that you're posting here indicates that there is no monarch or oligarchy. People who disagree with how things are run here are perfectly free to post on Meta, and other users are free to either agree with or disagree with what you post. The rep threshold for participating in Meta (and therefore site governance) is quite low. > natural social groupings ... except that Stack Overflow isn't a social group, it's a Q&A site. If you're looking primarily for social groupings, that's what social media is for. If you're looking for empathetic in-person interaction, again, that's not what Stack Overflow is for. Stack Overflow exists for one thing and one thing alone: high-quality Q&A about programming. What you're proposing would completely destroy that: the site would, as one of the [comments](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/421479/what-do-i-do-if-i-reject-the-election-process-or-moderation-itself-but-sti/421497#comment934150_421479) points out, fracture the site into a bunch of semi-private echo chambers. Such a site might be entertaining to at least some participants, but if you're trying to find an answer to a, you know, *programming problem* I can't imagine how hard it would be to find it. Would I have to check every echo chamber for the information? Would I have to search through piles of garbage produced by people who don't want to be "ruled" by others and just insist on a private free-for-all? I can't imagine a site like what you're describing being useful to anyone other than the participants.