Stack Overflow has assisted me in 3 semi-related and considerably far-reaching ways. Currently, I am in academic and employment limbo, so are working to get an 'edge' on my chances of a new career. First and foremost, I have been helped with my programming skills - my particular area of research requires that melding of some unusual and often disparate algorithms, but I have found examples here of how it could be done. This leads to my second point, I am not one for wanting the answers, the bits and pieces I find here provide me with the basis to figure out how to assemble the code. Finally, writing skills, though mine are not the best, I am learned by observations (and from the many blogs etc) how to document my questions and how to document the code itself for communicating with another party. I have not achieved my goal yet, but are well on the way, with Stack Overflow's help, I should get there in the near future.