Here are the main reasons why answers on such posts can be deleted:

 - There's plagiarism involved **and** you can convince the mods it's plagiarism. *You* need to provide the evidence. There are no set criteria; if you can't convince the mods a custom flag will be declined.
 - The question is old and the new answer is of **very** low quality. In which case, a custom flag may have the desired effect.

Otherwise, the only tool available to you is the downvote. If you are generous, go to a popular canonical post and look through the bottom 25% of answers, downvote any garbage you find. You can easily spend 20-30 rep (before you reach your vote cap) with such activity.

If you have time, also check out the higher voted ansawers. The unfortunate truth is bad or duplicate answers sometimes get heavily upvoted on popular posts, by virtue of the fact they are seen by more users, many of whom may not have reviewed and understood all the answers.