I'm glad you asked! I originally thought it would be expeditious to just *automatically* upvote everything that ended up triaged as Looks OK, and automatically downvote everything that got tossed the other way. Both as a signal to the author, and as a way of more easily tracking the outcome of triage within the system. Fortunately, I'm fortunate to work with several people possessing some measure of sanity, and on this occasion they were gracious enough to share it. Voting borders on sacrosanct within the system. We're *very* reluctant to create votes except in response to a direct signal from a user. Even the handful of situations where automatic votes *are* created (in response to Spam, Offensive and Very Low Quality flags) they're still tied directly to an explicit action on the part of a user, and automatically revoked if that action appears to have been the result of a misunderstanding. That said, you're correct that an upvote on a brand-new post can greatly increase its chances of being well-received. They also tend to provide positive feedback to the author, which doesn't *necessarily* encouraging further positive participation but also doesn't *discourage* it, while the lack of any response does. Therefore, it's advantageous to everyone if good questions are quickly upvoted... and not-so-good questions are *ignored*. Thus, the voting UI. It's shown to the *last* reviewer - the person whose review establishes a consensus of Looks OK within the review system and dequeues the question. Here are some quick statistics on how this has played out so far: Name Tasks PctTotal PctUpvoted PctDownvoted ------------------ ----- -------- ---------- ------------ Looks Good 7245 36.94 % 24.96 % 0.22 % Should Be Improved 10573 53.91 % 0.13 % 1.02 % Unsalvageable 1793 9.14 % 0.00 % 6.08 % Note that the votes counted there are only those cast by the last reviewer. Note also that we *don't* prompt the last reviewer to vote in situations where the consensus is other than Looks OK, although they can still do so by either opening the normal question page or navigating *back* to the completed review page.