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Stack overflow, is an invaluable resource for many professionals. As well as AI researchers. The process adopted by the site combined with the volume of traffic and collaborators is what produces it's awesome value. At the start SO was an innovation, I think the spirit of the site from the beginning was to collaborate on our different fields to create a significant volume of knowledge. The particular process of collaboration, I don't think it was as critical as the end result. So long there people behaved and got value out of the stackoverflow platform. It should succeed. And clearly it did succeed :). Not to minimize the great execution of the SO team.

As AI evolves there may be a day when it will be able to answer every question here. And we should be very happy about it if it comes to pass. In the meantime there will be many stumbles along the way. And I can see a very important role for SO to play, to create that future, by allowing this platform to be another point of collaboration with that future AI. I think AI answers are not just acceptable, but should be encouraged. SO by definition supervises all activity on the platform. The only caveat could be, not to post so many answers such that SO becomes overflowed. Since SO is still managed by humans.

I think it would be very useful to have an AI generated answer flag. To help with managing the process.

It is a very exciting time indeed!!!