<!-- MODERATOR NOTE TO EDITORS: Do not change the question's title while it is being [featured]. No puns! If you ignore this note, it will be considered abuse and handled accordingly.--> *This tag is in phase 2 of the burnination process described [here](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/324070/what-is-the-process-for-tag-removal-burnination). The question and comments have been cleaned to allow for on-topic discussion on this tag; please keep it that way. If you want to discuss the process itself, post a new question on Meta or visit the [SOCVR chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/41570/so-close-vote-reviewers).* ----- The [tag:pop] tag is bit of a mess right now. Is it even useful, or should we burn it? Some apply it, as the wiki describes, to questions about the `pop` function of stack-like data structures. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19696892/java-wont-let-me-use-the-pop-method * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23757615/how-to-pop-multiple-list-at-a-time-in-redis * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14811696/my-uinavigationbar-doesnt-display-the-name-of-the-right-uinavigationcontroller (I am popping to the desired viewcontroller...) The name of the data structure ([tag:stack], [tag:redis], [tag:uinavigationcontroller]) is probably more relevant for attracting expert help for your question. Should we just remove these? What is the general feeling about devoting a tag to a relatively simple operation on an abstract data type? Some use it to discuss email and the Post Office Protocol. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13484056/cant-connect-to-imap-gmail-with-php * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13045390/synchronising-folders-in-thunderbird-14 * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19892465/dictionary-of-email-server-settings-for-different-companies-and-sites We already have a [tag:pop3] tag for email questions. Should we swap the tags over in this case? Some use it to discuss UI pop-up behavior. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22365487/html-pop-up-on-click-within-wordpress * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22352287/submit-a-form-data-with-in-a-pop-up-box-and-display-result-with-in-that-popup-bo * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6209493/jquery-pop-dropboxes-wont-toggle We already have a [tag:popup] tag for this. Should we swap them over? Someone has even used it to coin a new acronym for procedurally oriented programming. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24360230/practical-explanation-can-anyone-explain-the-difference-between-pops-and-oops It's a wee shame this one hasn't caught on; "pop" and "oop" are more fun to say than "programming"...