Thanks for making us aware of potential problems on Stack Overflow.
There are a lot of people on here with serious ego problems
Call it ego or call it proud or inexperienced or not seen the light yet. But if we want to address this at all it needs some examples of what a serious ego problem looks like because it is hard to have a mutual correct understanding of serious problems.
I have been having increasing problems lately with people getting upset that I mark their answers as wrong
Getting upset is not a very productive emotion. I think it is perfectly fine 'to mark answers wrong' by any method you use for that. Preferable a down vote as that is a strong signal to future visitors and if you feel like it leave a comment but that is not mandatory at all. If you still feel your assessment of a post is correct even after your call is challenged then simply move on. There is no requirement on the site that you're held responsible or are required to make the same judgement call as all other users.
then stalking me and going around downvoting everything I do on this site.
Serial downvoting is detected by the system and reversed after 24 or 48 hours. If down votes that are left in retaliation and are without doubt targeted but not reversed , flag one of your posts for moderation attention and explain clearly why the votes on your post are not casted due to users stumbling on your posts. Mods can escalate to SE staff to investigate voting against your content.
I need a way to block users so that they can't take their ignorance out on me.
Well, that might solve your problem but not the unacceptable behavior from the blocked user. They continue their unruly behavior making the life on the site for other users unbearable. A better approach is to document the misbehaving, use the code of conduct as a behavioral base line and then flag the troublesome exchanges for a moderator. That might not give immediate result but if you've found a pattern and that pattern becomes more clear over time it is more likely that users get warned and suspended.
We can only make Stack Overflow an inclusive and safe site if we do not tolerate off-limits behavior but we needs eyes on the ground to spot these few individuals that try to spoil the fun for many. Blocking users doesn't help in that sense. Reporting their behavior does.