This is patently silly.
The majority of users enjoy having fun at the end of the year with hats. We give you the option to opt out if you so choose, and we don't judge you for it. But we intentionally make it opt-in by default because we think it's fun and most of our users will like it. We didn't go through the effort of developing this and fixing all the bugs, just to have it default to being turned off.
Frankly, your attitude is off-putting to me:
On the other hand opting out takes an iota of useful time and attention from me and each of the like minded annually.
Opting in would take an iota of useful time and attention away from the majority of users who like hats and want to have fun. You provide no reason why your time or attention is more valuable than anyone else's. Because you're grouchy? Have a Grinch hat:
Oh wait, you don't like hats.