Participating in a relatively small tag, I'd have to record my opinions here. In tags I'm participating in, during these review queue close spurts, a close vote by one of the users in the tag is usually the final judgment - i.e., the question is closed by a moderator during review. This gives excessive power to a single 3k user's decision and maintains that user's close decision on the question as final.
This creates a unbalanced pressure to close vote queue. If there is an equal pressure in the reopen queue as well, I think everything will be balanced. The questions closed are, on first look, without code. Although questions without code, are sometimes give me teh codez type questions (even that isn't a valid close reason, unless it's too broad as well), sometimes, they are not and are well researched questions. It requires subject matter experts to differentiate and cast votes accordingly.
A single 3k user's decision + a moderator's (who probably knows nothing about the tag) decision based on the "looks" of the question shouldn't count so much. If the same power is provided to a single 3k user's reopen vote, I'd be glad. But, I'd have to cast a vote, convince and gather others in my tag to reopen the question, if it is even possible.
I agree with moderators being exception handlers and better suited to handle exceptions, given their power level.