I was served up [this suggested tag wiki][1] for [tag:webdatagrid].  The edit has:

>WebDataGrid™ is built on top of the Infragistics ASP.NET AJAX framework. It is an efficient and scalable grid control, with native AJAX capabilities. 

Which is an exact copy from [this site][2]:

>WebDataGrid™ is built on top of the Infragistics ASP.NET AJAX framework. It is an efficient and scalable grid control, with native AJAX capabilities.

There is a reject reason for:

>This edit copies a significant amount of content from an external source. Generic descriptions such as encyclopedia articles and ad copy do not provide useful guidance

But I am unsure if this applies in this case.  What should one do in a case like this?  Should we treat `significant amount` as a percentage of the information that is in the tag wiki?

  [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/8946360
  [2]: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/ASPNET/2011.2/CLR4.0/html/WebDataGrid_About_WebDataGrid.html