After about an hour, I have found neither meta nor non-meta posts that specifically answer the following questions, important prerequisites for users of non-English system locales to ask great questions: 1. How do I get these compiler warnings in English? --> try `LANG=C gcc` 2. How do I get this PowerShell output in English? --> ??? (There are a few questions with comments asking the OP to translate [as recommended here][1]. This may improve individual questions, but it hurts discoverability as the translations would often deviate from the program output in English.) I am certain that there *is* an answer somewhere that I have not yet found which might be edited to include better search-relevant terms. Can we find it and improve it and/or use it to make a meta FAQ answer ( including the words non-English, locale, culture, environment, ..? However, searching for overly generic or special-character terms like `LANG=` or `language` is unlikely to ever get very good. When I wrote this meta question, the duplicate finder suggested *[The easily accessible information on how to help non-English speakers use Stack Overflow is outdated][3]* which is at least related. Could this feature be part of the effort to make more questions (*[erreur][4]*, *[Fehler][5]*, *[errore][6]*, etc.) understandable? [1]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: