### TL;DR No, the number of views for a question is independent from the moment of posting. [Here](https://stackoverflow.com/help/no-one-answers) are some tips to attract more attention to your question; posting during the work week will not help. --- ### Full answer It is common knowledge that Stack Overflow sees less traffic during the weekends than during the workweek. After all, most of our users use Stack Overflow for work-related issues, and have other priorities in the weekend. Users with [>25k reputation](https://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/site-analytics) have access to the [site analytics](https://stackoverflow.com/site-analytics); mere mortals can check the stats via [Quantcast](https://www.quantcast.com/stackoverflow.com#/trafficCard): at the time of writing, 7 million views during the weekend and three times as much, 21 million views, on working days. Does that mean a question posted on the weekend will attract (on average) less attention? Assuming that a fixed percentage of those views are directed towards new questions, the weekend has the advantage that there are fewer questions posted, so your question stays longer on the front page. The numbers tell the story, so let's dig into the [Data Explorer](http://data.stackexchange.com) and find out. We take a sample period from a couple of months ago; the Data Explorer is refreshed once a week and newer questions may not yet have the chance to 'ripe'. To account for the different timezones, we group the questions into one-hour buckets, and compute the average view count and the total number of questions in the bucket. To remove the effect that a single very popular question might have, we ignore all [outliers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlier) more than twice the standard deviation away from the average. When we're done, we get the following graph: [![enter image description here][1]][1] While the number of questions is clearly higher during working days (and during European and American office hours), **the amount of views a question eventually collects is independent from the moment of posting.** --- For reference, here is the full SQL for the [query](https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/516244/number-of-views-per-question-based-on-creation-date-time?StartDate=2015-10-01&EndDate=2015-10-15): ```sql DECLARE @StartDate datetime = ##StartDate:string##; DECLARE @EndDate datetime = ##EndDate:string##; CREATE TABLE #temp (bucket datetime, average float, std float) INSERT INTO #temp SELECT dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, creationdate), 0), avg(viewcount), stdev(viewcount) FROM posts WHERE posttypeid = 1 AND creationdate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate GROUP BY dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, creationdate), 0) ORDER BY dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, creationdate), 0) SELECT dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, creationdate), 0) AS 'Bucket', avg(viewcount) AS 'Average view count', count(*) AS 'Number of questions' FROM posts INNER JOIN #temp ON dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, creationdate), 0) = bucket WHERE posttypeid = 1 AND creationdate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate AND viewcount BETWEEN average - 2 * std AND average + 2 * std GROUP BY dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, creationdate), 0) ORDER BY dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, creationdate), 0) ``` [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/SaAic.png