I've postet a [question][1] recently and became two answers, one of which was long and detailed. Additionally, I extensively wrote comments on it with the author to clarify some things. Suddenly from one day to the other the whole question and all comments disappeared as if they had never existed. I read that sometimes a moderator or the author himself delete respones, but shouldn't I at least get a notification on it? As far as I know I cannot even send the author a personal message to ask him if he knows what happened. And I myself am not a 10k+ user so have no ability to still be able to read it, if it really got deleted. I don`t know if it matters, but the answer had no downvotes the last time I looked at it. The thing is that altough the lost answere being pretty long and complicated to read, it provided a lot of information and I would regret it if I'd lost it forever. If this is really a normal thing that can happen, I would be required to store away every answer that I get on any question as it *could* suddenly disappear. I cannot immagine that this is intended to be necessary by such a big, successful forum like stackoverflow. If somebody can help me with the matter I would be very glad. Thanks! [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70079323/whats-the-difference-between-ldr-pc-boot-and-b-boot