I would like to request that in the LQPRQ we stop using 20K delete votes and just use recommend delete for everyone.

Referencing the data gathered on [How many 20kers use the LQRQ?][1] you can see that on all occasions(in the sample set) the 20K deletes on answers did not do any good as it still took 6 reviewers to delete the answer.

I know that in theory that 20Kers should be able to clear out the queue faster as they only need three votes to the 6 recommend deletes but with so many more people in [2K, 20K) range then 20K+ people in the queue the 20K votes get drowned out by recommend dletes.

Delete votes are a very limited resource with only up to 30 per day.  I would like to be able to spend them on content that I find when using the site instead of using them up in the LQPRQ.  I know I could use the queue after I spend my delete votes and I wouldn't have "wasted" them but to me it makes sense to just not use them in the queue

This would also fix the bug/issue where when you run out of delete votes while reviewing the answer that you vote to delete does not take it and you cannot recommend to delete.  You have to refresh the page which skips makes it not review-able and then go to the next answer.

  [1]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/243247/how-many-20kers-use-the-lqrq?lq=1