I've found when I use Stack Overflow, some of the most useful posts I've found through Google searches are typically closed for a variety of reasons. I did a quick survey of popular questions: * [Is There A Good Natural Language Processing Library][1] - closed as not constructive - 20k views * [Auto-update library for .NET?][2] - closed as off-topic - 30k+ views * [What Is Object Serialization][3] - closed as too broad - 54k+ views * [Container Class / Library for C][4] - closed as off topic - 20k+ views * [JSF implementations and component libraries][5] - closed as not constructive - 16k+ views [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/870460/is-there-a-good-natural-language-processing-library [2]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/691663/auto-update-library-for-net [3]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/447898/what-is-object-serialization [4]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/305611/container-class-library-for-c [5]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2167509/jsf-implementations-and-component-libraries