I'd imagine something that does not rely on individual mods making editorial choices would be prudent, something like
a post that has
- x many votes
- y many views
- z many featured flags
gets to be featured for either
- x fixed time
- until superseded by another post in the y slots
- for at least x time and then when superseded by another post in the y slots.
Obviously, the moderators can and should still exercise discretion and disallow obvious gaming of the new rules, but I think that it would be a tall order to ask our moderators to exercise full editorial control over the content of featured meta posts.
Not only would it break one of the oldest paradigms of SE moderation, namely that moderators do not need subject matter expertise, but it would open them up to all sorts of criticism and accusations of bias. I'm sure they get enough of these as is without us further fueling the fire. The more concrete and less subjective the policy for featured tag use becomes, the less attack surface is created to attack the moderator team.