For browser related issues
The user should include this information in their question
- Actual Issue in text
- For the user to explain the issue first in text, so we can understand it from the core.
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- Provided steps by the OP to reproduce the issue from scratch in points and sequence.
- Platform name and Operating system information
- This includes your source of using stack overflow and the operating system you are using.
- Browser version
- This is very important as bugs vary on different browsers
- The URL of the page which is the bug on
- For people on stackExchange to track down the bug and solve it
- Optional information about what the console says
- Helpful optional information about the error.
For mobile devices issues
The user should include this information in their question
- Actual Issue in text
- Steps to reproduce the issue from the start of the MainActivity or the first page.
- Android/iOS version and Stackoverflow's application version, as seen from the store.
- Reference to the page, the issue is actually on
- A screenshot of the issue
- Optional crash information, the application gives
This template is not perfect and can be edited later, but what's most essential that if we follow the template, we can better target bugs and fix it. Bug reports should be in a format so they can be reproduced. People at StackExchange can better see the issue's platform and information and make this site better and better.