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Cody Gray Mod
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Plagiarism is plagiarism. It should be handled in this case as it should be for any case: a private flag on the post for moderator attention, presenting the evidence that you have (including a link to the original source), and letting us figure out how to deal with it.

Since this is already public, I'll noodle a bit on how I'd handle it.

First, confirmed that your "flag" is correct. The question is definitely plagiarized. Also, "wow" is my reaction.

The thought occurs to me that this would be a much more difficult case if the author had copied the first half of the question from Jon's blog, but done the timing tests himself, resulting in a case of partial plagiarism. In that case, I'd probably edit in attribution to Jon's blog, but leave the question otherwise alone. I'm not sure, though; it would depend on how blatant the abuse was. Fortunately, I don't have to deal with that here. The entire thing is shamelessly plagiarized. Completely unacceptable; not something that should be handled lightly.

Normally, we delete plagiarized content, which not only removes it from the site to address the ethical issues, but also removes the reputation gain from the user who posted it. In this case, though, deletion is severely counter-indicated by the usefulness of the question, and especially the answers that it has accumulated.

But plagiarism is still wrong, and needs to be addressed. So…what to do? Here's what I'd do am doing:

  1. Edit the question to add in the appropriate attribution, giving credit to Jon as the original source of the question.

  2. Ask for a Community Manager (Stack Exchange employee) to dissociate the question from the original asker's account, thus removing the ill-gotten reputation gain from plagiarized content.

Cody Gray Mod
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