All the elections use the same post, any changes to one affect all previous elections. Jon Clements ♦ provided in the comments to this question the link to the actual elections post.
Some History
What follows is (what I surmise) a brief history of the election pages:
There have always been chat rooms where the candidates answer questions from the community (live).
The "The candidates answer your questions" format (where a set list of questions are posted in a meta question, and every candidate answers the questions) was introduced in Election 5 in February 2014. For elections 2-4, 'Town Hall' chat digests were created from the chat rooms which were created for the candidates to answer the community's questions.
There were three rounds of additions to the moderator team in 2011 - elections 1 in January and 2 in November, and the fourth- and fifth-place candidates from the January elections were called up to be moderators in May 2011.
The winners of elections are calculated using the Meek STV system. From Election 4 onwards, the results were made available on OpaVote. After the results are announced the data for all elections can be downloaded from the URL{id}
and opened with OpenSTV for Windows or Mac.
Elections, chat transcripts, and Q&A posts
I've used the history of the elections post and some searches on meta to compile the following list:
Election 1 (2011-01-18 to 2011-02-02)
Town Hall (chat room)
Calling up new Stack Overflow moderators from the 2011 election
Election Data (download link)
Election 2 (2011-11-07 to 2011-11-22)
Revisions 1 to 8 of the Election page were active during this election.
November 2011 Moderator Election: Town Hall Chats (scheduled)
Election Data (download link)
Election 3 (2012-06-04 to 2012-06-19)
Revisions 10 to 12 of the Election page were active during this election.
2012 Stack Overflow Moderator Election (chat room)
Election Data (download link)
Election 4 (2013-02-25 to 2013-03-12)
Revisions 13 to 16 of the Election page were active during this election.
2013 Stack Overflow Moderator Election (chat room)
Spring 2013 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election Results
Election 5 (2014-02-10 to 2014-02-25)
Revisions 17 to 19 of the Election page were active during this election.
2014 Stack Overflow Moderator Election (chat room)
February 2014 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS
Election 6 (2015-04-06 to 2015-04-21)
Revisions 20 to 21 of the Election page were active during this election.
Stack Overflow 2015 Moderator Election Chat (chat room)
Election 7 (2015-11-09 to 2015-11-24)
Revisions 22 to 25 of the Election page were active during this election.
Fall 2015 Moderator Election Chat (chat room)
November 2015 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS
Election 8 (2016-11-07 to 2016-11-22)
Revisions 26 to 28 of the Election page were active during this election.
2016 Stack Overflow Moderator Election (chat room)
Election 9 (2017-07-17 to 2017-08-01)
Revisions 29 to 32 of the Election page were active during this election.
2017 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Chat (chat room)
Election 10 (2018-03-12 to 2018-03-27)
Revisions 33 to 34 of the Election page were active during this election.
Election 11 (2019-03-04 to 2019-03-19)
Revisions 35 to 37 of the Election page were active during this election.
2019 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Chat (chat room)