Could we please allow any in-progress answers to be finished and posted rather than punish the answerers for any perceived flaws in the question.
No. To the extent that what you're talking about constitutes "punishment", such users deserve to be punished.
Users of this site are expected to answer on-topic, well-written, properly-scoped questions. Users who answer low-quality, poorly-stated, ill-conceived, or otherwise bad questions are harming the site by that action. Users who do bad things (even with good intent) should expect sanctioning (again, to the extent that stopping someone from answering a bad question is "punishment").
Such actions harm the site. They give the impression that this site is intended to support those questions, and would do so if some small clique of users would just stop closing them. So if on occasion, users who perform those actions have their time wasted by preventing them from doing things we don't want them doing... so be it.
And yes, sometimes the question isn't bad so much as a duplicate (though dupes can be bad too). And given SO's crappy search, I can understand why you wouldn't want to waste your time trying to find the duplicate. But, given that, if the question is closed as a dupe, then the OP still gets an answer. Yes, you lost the time you spent writing your answer, but the OP got what they needed. So just accept that the OP was helped and move on.