This happened to me lots of times:
- Someone wrote "fidning" instead of "finding", normal typo, he himself would have approved that edit.
- Syntax correction something like '!#/bin/bash' to '#!/bin/bash' (is was obvious that this was an error when posting the question, because his posted error was one including the line with the real issue)
- Fixing markup: Very often the OP has It all right, but does not know that it needs two blanks or two linefeeds to separate the two paragraphs. - Often it is the 4 blanks that are missing, making it almost unreadable as inline text.
Some of those edits are important (to others).
Sometimes I "invent" some changes that do not change a thing, like changing a word to a synonym, or rearranging a sentence ("with ab xy does not work" to "xy does not work with ab").
Why to I have to make unimportant changes that effect at least 5 letters, just to fix a real issue?
Even with enough reputation, should I really post comments like: "you misspelled finding as fidning"?
What is the right thing to do?
Addition: I have only found this related question, but I already was convinced that the 6-char-minimum is a good/necessary thing.