Similar to what Makoto commented, people sometimes downvote good answers on low-quality questions. I've definitely had good answers of mine downvoted, but almost exclusively on questions that also had downvotes. So getting a downvote on an answer doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.
I think some voters are downvoting to discourage answerers from rewarding/encouraging lowish quality questions.
Other downvoters may be trying to make the question more easily / automatically deletable by not having any upvoted answers.
I try to avoid answering very lazy gimme the codez questions, but sometimes conceptual questions that are very confused get downvotes while there's still a kernel of an interesting question that I feel like answering.
Given my experience and rep on SO, I'm pretty confident in judging when my own answers are actually good, i.e. correct and hopefully helpful to someone who didn't already know the answer.
I've found answers including examples with code to demonstrate a point are much more likely to get upvotes, because just explaining with words isn't enough for some people that are kind of lost and can't picture the code in their head. e.g. How do objects work in x86 at the assembly level? has several tiny functions and the resulting compiler-generated asm to illustrate the points I was making.
IDK if that's relevant to the specific Q&A you were asking about in this meta question. You have a diagram, but IDK if it would be practical to include any code to illustrate, or if it would take a very large amount of code to illustrate a big hierarchy. I haven't designed a GUI in Qt, so I can't really evaluate the question or your answer myself.