#Tags Tags facilitate knowledge sharing by making questions easier to find. They also slightly increase the range of what is considered on-topic on Stack Overflow. Of course, tags alone cannot make something on-topic or off-topic. The question either is on-topic, or it isn't. We have the following tags:
- terminology – for questions about programming terms
- language-lawyer – for questions about language specifications
- language-agnostic – for questions that are not tied to any particular programming language
#Jargon vs. Terminology I will try my best to explain the difference between these 2 words. Because there is a difference. Let's start with the easy one first. According to Oxford Living Dictionaries, terminology is "the body of terms used with a particular technical application in a subject of study, profession, etc."
Programming terminology includes terms like: "function", "runtime", "data type", "method", "database", "dereferencing", "class", "object" etc. Yeah, I know, you're bored. Terminology is too easy to explain.
"Jargon" is a difficult word. Even dictionaries fail to do it justice. No wonder so many people misuse or misunderstand this word. Jargon includes, but it's not limited to, terminology. Jargon is overloaded language. I would even say it's a way of thinking. Right here on Stack Overflow I saw people using jargon without even realizing they were doing it. In fact, some even argued that it was "plain English"! Oh, by the way, when I said, "Jargon is overloaded language" did you thought that was plain English? According to Oxford Living Dictionaries, jargon is "special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand."
#The Jargon Beyond Terminology
I'm going to provide a few examples of programming jargon that is devoid of programming terminology. These are normal everyday English words that, when used in certain expressions, make no sense outside programming, or they make sense but mean different things in different fields. Some of these expressions sound innocent, others bend the rules of English grammar:
- "compares less than", "compares greater than", "compares equal to" etc. English Language Learners offered 2 good answers – this is my favorite.
- "physical structure of a program". What is this? We can talk about the physical structure of: buildings, boats, cars, bridges, transmission towers etc. As long as it can be physically broken apart, it has a physical structure. How could we possible talk about the physical structure of a program? What's next? Weights in a machine learning algorithm? Oh, wait!
- "Physical Modeling" in the real world is the process of making a model of an object. For example, If the object is an aircraft, physical modeling will create an aircraft model like this: But in programming, "physical modeling" means different things in different areas. Are we talking about virtual simulation? Well, then you can use "physical modeling" to create virtual objects that obey the laws of physics. You can create a virtual piano and listen to how it sounds. You can create a virtual plane and test how it flies. You can create a flight simulator etc. But what if we're talking about databases? Well, then "physical modelling" means something completely different:
Physical modeling involves the actual design of a database according to the requirements that were established during logical modeling. Logical modeling mainly involves gathering the requirements of the business, with the latter part of logical modeling directed toward the goals and requirements of the database. Physical modeling deals with the conversion of the logical, or business model, into a relational database model. When physical modeling occurs, objects are being defined at the schema level. A schema is a group of related objects in a database. A database design effort is normally associated with one schema. (Rajan's Tech Corner)
These expressions are not "programming terms". This is not terminology. This is jargon. "Jargon" is not some dirty word that needs to be censored and swept under the rug. Jargon exists because our sphere of knowledge expands much faster than our vocabulary. Particle physicists, for example, not only ran out of words, they ran out of Greek letters to name the new particles they discovered. Now they use the word "color" to refer to the charge of quarks and gluons. Richard Feynman said:
The idiot physicists, unable to come up with any wonderful Greek words anymore, call this type of polarization by the unfortunate name of "color," which has nothing to do with color in the normal sense. (QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Princeton University Press, p. 136)
#Conclusion The jargon tag should be used when a question asks for clarification regarding expressions that are outside the scope of the terminology tag. Of course, questions still have to meet the requirement to be on-topic for Stack Overflow.
More and more people rely on Stack Overflow to find answers to their questions about programming. Many times the solution to a problem is in the documentation or somewhere on the internet. Many times the source contains jargon, because language layers. So understanding programming jargon is essential to finding a solution to a problem. Programming jargon is inextricably linked to programming.
It is a well known fact that some use jargon as a social exclusion tool or as a way of showing off. The jargon tag will be a handy tool for those who want to tear down such esoteric walls.
I am aware that countless questions about jargon were deleted on Stack Overflow. But those questions were deleted because of their low quality and not simply because they were about jargon.
If necessary, the jargon tag may be used in conjunction with other tags. For example, if the user asks about C++ specific jargon, then the jargon tag should be accompanied by the C++ tag.
Here is a list of questions for which the jargon tag would be appropriate:
- Questions on simple threading jargon
- The term “Context” in programming?
- Difference amongst database jargon
- What is a non-jargon definition for WMI?
- Please explain in the simplest, most jargon-free English possible, the “universal property of fold”?
- What is the difference between a “Model” and a “Context” in Entity Framework jargon?