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Commonmark migration

The direct answer to your question is ...

Probably. And we should.

I'm going to meander a little bit here and throw out some observations, in no specific order, but hopefully they come together as something coherent.

  1. We might not be as nice as we think we are, and that could be because we're in the middle of a generation gap. I noticed this when I expatriated from the US and came back almost 15 years later, the bar for "nice" in ordinary discourse had raised considerably. It moved from simply not saying mean things to more proactively considering the other person's feelings, or in other words, being more empathetic.

  2. It's genuinely difficult to track 'rudeness' in the absence of deliberate insults. These tiny (aka 'micro') aggressions can appear in the form of someone simply assuming your gender, race or other parts of your identity, that you require oversimplification of your problem, or someone just pointing out everything negative about something you contributed without any mention of the positive. Alone, isolated, these things can be cast off as noise, but the sum of them over time can be pretty crushing.

  3. And I think this is a pretty big one, it's hard to imply that you know more than someone else does without coming off as condescending; this is exacerbated by communicating without facial expressions, diction, inflection, etc.

  4. Yeah, you still have some pretty blatantly rude and condescending stuff.

So there's two things that we need to do in order to get out ahead of this a bit more.

#1 - We have to do more about quality.

I can't go chiding people for losing their cool occasionally when they spend so much time in the salt mines we call review until I can say that we've made every reasonable stab that we can at helping people ask better questions through the means that we have that can influence every single programmer with a problem to solve - our software.

We're working on this now through a bunch of tests and UX research, a big part of it is doing a better job of setting people's expectations based on what they're about to submit, while doing a better job of getting likely duplicates in front of them.

There's also a big part of the new culture that says hey, just ask and save some time which we need to find a way to address. We're increasingly unique by insisting that people do their homework first as far as expectations that being 'on the webz' might set. More hurdles mean increasingly worse solutions here, it's an interesting problem.

#2 - We have to be more cognizant that people make everything work

We've done extremely well by establishing a very high bar for entry and refusing to lower our standards of quality. We absolutely, positively, without fail must keep those things.

At the same time, we need to look at how our software isn't doing a very good job of reminding people to value contributors as much as we do contributions, while also maintaining that it's all about the posts, not so much the people that write them. That doesn't have to be a contradiction, but it is a very deliberate and difficult balance to strike. We're doing a lot of research (which is soon to turn into sentiment analysis) right now of feedback that we're hearing in a variety of places. Probably the most important part right now is just listening and trying our best to not be obtuse.

So, what are we doing?

Pretty much what you're doing which is admitting that we have a problem and that it's scary, and that we need to do something smart about it. Sure, yes, there's going to be some short-term low hanging fruit where the most obvious incidents get handled more efficiently as we work to better understand the majority of it, which tends to be a lot more subtle.

At the end of the day I have to remember that we're a mirror, we're essentially a living example of how developers relate to one another with the added bonus of removing many social contracts that face-to-face communication imply. But, we're a mirror with a voice, and we need to use it more effectively to ensure the greatest possible majority of people feel reasonably safe and confident using our software.

There will be more about this from us as we dig further into it, but I really meant what I said - as long as we continue to owe our reviewers and most engaged users much needed bug fixes and tweaks, well, the blame is mostly on us when they start to sound kinda sick of it.

Fortunately, we can do a lot of this asynchronously, and research being done by a small working group is underway. We'll post back with more, and, well, sorry for the brain dump, I hope folks find something of interest and value in it.
