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Can I heavily edit my question if I answer it myself?

About a month ago, I wrote this question, which, after a few weeks, I ended up solving on my own. At the time of posting the question, I was unsure what information was important, so I included more than was necessary. Now that I've answered my own question though, I've realized most of the information in my question is irrelevant. A future user with the same issue might not even recognize that my problem was the same as theirs.

Now, I know typically an answered question shouldn't be edited much, as it runs a risk of invalidated something the answerer said, either at the expense of the answerer (for now having written a wrong answer) or future users (for now seeing an accepted but incorrect answer). Being the answerer though, I don't mind risking something at my own expense, and I also know what information led me to my answer, so I think I can improve the question for future users.

My two reservations are A) I don't know if this is ok, and B) there's one other answer on the question which is very helpful for similar issues, but isn't for my particular case (he addresses a session token changing, while it turns out mine was disappearing). My change would wipe out pretty much everything his answer references, making it mostly useless, but the fact that it wasn't relevant for my exact question makes me think that might be ok.

I get that reservation B makes this kind of question-specific, but if there's a general consensus on whether heavily editing self-answered questions is ok, I'd much prefer that instead of adding another slightly different meta question every time this comes up.