As when "Project {Re,De}duplication" turned out to be "The thing that Stack Exchange was most interested in was how to recognise when two posts are falsely labeled as duplicates.", this, read closely, seems to be yet more focus on new users at the expense of veteran contributors.
...ensure that all users find...
Their primary purpose [emphasis mine] is to help folks quickly find value in becoming long-term contributors...
I already know where it is. I've been here, contributing things on a daily basis that make other people want to find your site, for the past six years.
What parts of the system make perfect sense to us [...] but throw new folks for a total loop?
How about "what parts of the system don't make sense at all, and trip up even experienced users"? (Also.) How about "what part of the system could use a little tweak to support key contributors"?
...making sure that there's plenty of new folks to fill the holes that veteran users do [sic] when they really slow down in participation...
Another option here would have been to say "making sure that there's plenty of stuff to keep the interest of veteran users so that they don't slow down in participation". Granted, some fall-off is natural and inevitable, but you could at least try to make people want to stick around. a better job communicating what we want in a question to new users [...] they'll have a better experience...
It would have been so easy for you to just tack on something here about "...and improve overall question quality...". But you didn't. And taken with all the rest, I think that oversight speaks loudly.
I speak only for myself, but I doubt I'm alone: I'm tired of hearing about what you're doing for new users.* I will believe that this is going to have positive effects on the site when I see it.** Until then, I guess my interest here will continue to slowly wane as I struggle to find interesting questions to provide answers for. So, yup, better prepare to fill that hole.
Why don't more folks [...] eventually sign up...
Ugh, why am I even still here?
*Doubly so when you present it as if it's big exciting news for veteran users.
**And I strongly suspect that my measurement of "positive effects on the site" differs from yours.