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Hmm... generally speaking, while a "Does anyone else have this problem?" type of question is very close to opinion-based, I can see at least one situation where it might be useful.

When attempting to troubleshoot an infrequently-triggered error, and/or an error that seems to trigger often for some users, but rarely for others, it could be used for information-gathering, to help profile the error.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, please describe what you were doing when it occurred.

That said, while determining if others have encountered the same problem can be useful, I don't believe that it would necessarily be a good fit for Stack Overflow; this would depend on the software in question, with the question being a better fit for a different SE site (possibly Super User? I'm not sure) in most cases.

One case I can think of that might fit SO would be if compiler maintenance teams are attempting to troubleshoot a particularly hard-to-find error that occurs when handling certain segments of standards-compliant code, and notice that people ask about it frequently on Stack Overflow. In this case, they could ask the question here both so people can provide cases where they've triggered the error, and so it can be used as a duplicate source for other questions asking about the error (since this would provide the same information as actually answering the question).

[Yes, that's honestly the least-contrived case I can think of for when polling the users to see who else has encountered the same issue would be useful for SO, and conveniently, also the most useful case I can think of.]

If it's just a normal question, and not specifically intended to poll the users, then I agree with Maroun Maroun's answer.