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During launch, before the Documentation review queue was implemented, only people who visited or watched the tag were able to find proposed changes. While there was no enforced restriction, generally only the people who had some interest in a tag reviewed changes. The problem was people were waiting hours (or longer) to see their changes approved.

There are several ways to solve this problem:

  1. Exempt high-reputation users from review as we do on Q&A. That would make it easier for many folks to get their changes through, but would do little to change the situation for new users. In fact, it might make things worse as the review system would be out of mind for users who weren't subject to it.

  2. Add proposed changes to the site wide review system. This fixes the problem of changes not getting made, but does mean reviewers could be unfamiliar with the language.

  3. Remove the review requirement for proposed changes. This would be the full wiki model where the site would be self-healing since anyone can fix mistakes.

We more or less picked #2, but we added a little of #1 in the form of expedited reviews for presumed experts:

Proposed changes require 4 votes to be approved, and 4 votes to be rejected. However, some reviewers are given more weight; that is, their reviews count as 2, 3, or 4 votes. This weight is based on reviewers' reputation and tag-badges corresponding to the tag the topic resides in (or one of its aliases):

  • >= 100 reputation: 1 vote
  • >= 1,000 reputation: 2 votes
  • >= 10,000 reputation: 3 votes
  • gold or silver tag-badge: 4 votes

Additionally, changes proposed by editors with applicable gold and silver tag badges are immediately approved without further review, unless the change modifies versions or changes which example is pinned.

So while anyone can review changes, not all reviews are treated equally. If you happen to have a gold or silver badge in a tag, you can immediately reject bad edits. Perhaps more to the point, if you spot a bad edit, you can immediately rollback the change or fix problems with a subsequent edit.

In summary, proposed changes are more quickly reviewed when anyone with 100 or more reputation can approve or reject them. Meanwhile, if some bad changes do make it through review, tag experts can quickly correct the problem.

The assumption in the question is that people familiar with C would reject the edit and that people who don't know C would accept out of ignorance. A further assumption is that answering a question in C is a good proxy for being a competent reviewer of C documentation. I think both of those assumptions are wrong. For one thing, I have a few C answers and I'd probably approve the edit in question. (Or at least I would not question the technical correctness. I would have some questions about the clarity of the addition, but that would be the same whether I understood C pointers or not.)

One of the philosophies that makes Stack Overflow work is user empowerment. If you are a new user and you see an unanswered (or poorly answered) question, you have the power to fix that by answering. If you have a question that isn't represented on the site, you have the power to ask. As you make positive contributions (as judged by other users) you'll earn more privileges to control more aspects of the site. At every level, we want people to feel they have some ability to make things better. If people don't have that feeling of empowerment, they won't bother participating.

Sometimes people abuse privileges and we have to take them away. But the basic assumption is that people will do their best to do the right thing. So when things go wrong on the site, our instinct is to find some way to empower trusted users rather than restrict new users. When it comes to review, I'm not going to spend a lot of time verifying every detail. If an edit seems plausible (and this one is to me), I'll assume the editor knows what's what.

Jon Ericson Staff
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