The first way is to list all the answers you think of in the body of your question.
This is explicitly off-topic:
To prevent your question from being flagged and possibly removed, avoid asking subjective questions where …
- your answer is provided along with the question, and you expect more answers: “I use ______ for ______, what do you use?”
Note that this is the default text for the Don't Ask page. There may be SE sites that have customized this so that this type of question is OK, but most are going to consider this off topic.
Another method would be to create an answer for each possible solution.
This wouldn't work either:
- Writing good self-answered Q&A is hard.
- If you write a question asking for the "best", it's going to get closed as opinion based.
- Assuming your question has objective criteria and all of your answers answer the question, then there's no guarantee that the "best" solution is going to get the most up-votes. They could all end up with the same score because they're all correct.
Self-answered Q&A is really meant to be used to share knowledge.