I'm Aaron Hall, here's my nomination.
These are my answers to the questions. Note that they represent my instincts based on my knowledge of how the site works. If we have a policy that requires immediate actions on my part, I will take the required action with all deliberate speed.
- A 10k+ user regularly has their comments flagged as "rude or offensive" or "not constructive", to the tune of 4-5 flags a day. No comment by itself is particularly offensive, but their general tone causes them to be flagged by multiple users. You've contacted them privately about this, but they believe that they aren't doing anything wrong and that people are being too sensitive. The flags keep coming in on their comments. What, if anything, do you do next?
Here's the steps I would take in this situation:
I review the content that led to the flags. Sometimes people leave constructive comments that just come across harshly. If you leave lots of constructive comments, not all of them will be well received, so it may be that at least some of the flags are completely unjustified.
If possible, I try to identify the aspect or aspects of the communication that leads to the negative perception. Perhaps they can cut back on redundant commentary. Perhaps they're adding unnecessary emphasis. Perhaps they're just being combative and over-the-top. Perhaps they're dripping with snark and sarcasm. There's no need for that kind of communication.
I let them know about the flags. I explain that the flags are not something they want to be getting. I give them suggestions based on my analysis and ask them try to eliminate the behavior that is causing the flags.
I believe that the goal for moderation is compliance and cooperation with the community, not punishment.
- How would you, as a moderator, deal with a situation where a group of users unanimously disagree with your ruling while you're 100% sure you based your decision on the standing policy? What if your ruling was in a chatroom?
My decisions must stand to scrutiny. Perhaps I am wrong. No moderator on this site is infallible. They are welcome to bring it to meta and have me explain my decisions.
If the ruling was in a chatroom, there is very little difference. Chat is still moderated first by the community. If a chatroom gets outside of community standards, they are liable to having a moderator get involved.
- Not everyone agrees with every Stack Exchange policy, guideline, section of scope, etc. As a moderator, do you think you'll be able to effectively moderate and enforce Stack Overflow policies you may personally disagree with, but which the community strongly supports - or, as Aaroninus suggested, perhaps which you and the community disagree with?
Yes. I do not usually disagree with Stack Overflow, its employees, or the community. However, I will enforce their decisions, in that order of priority.
- A user vandalises their post and enters a "rollback war", trying to change it to simply read "QUESTION REMUVED FOR PRIVACY". They had also submitted (rejected) suggested edits to do likewise to the answers. By the time you see it they've also flagged or commented on the question:
Please delete this ASAP, it's super urgent that I remove this because my university honor code demands that I do and I'm going to get kicked out
The question was pretty poor to begin with, but received 3 decent answers and had been edited a little before the vandalism started. What do you do?
They can request to have their account be disassociated from the question, but the content is licensed to Stack Overflow by virtue of the terms of service (CC-BY-SA), and the site is entitled to have the question. If they still objected, I would likely escalate it to a Stack Overflow employee.
- Please explain, in your words, the difference between these flags: NAA and VLQ. How would you act on a "NAA" answer which is flagged as VLQ, or vice versa?
Not An Answer (NAA) means that the "answer" does not answer the question, and is not actually an answer.
Very Low Quality (VLQ) means that the answer attempts to answer the question, but it is so deficient as to make its value to the site negative, and worthy of deletion.
Depending on the severity, I might delete them in either case.
If it was a Very Low Quality answer, I would see if they had been told to improve the answer, if they had, and been given sufficient time (a week?) but had not, I would delete it.
A Not An Answer would get deleted altogether.
- Moderation sometimes entails seeing some questionable content. Are you willing to take that risk? If you'll be moderating at your workplace, do you have a corporate filter that will take issue with this?
Yes. This should not be a problem.
- You impose a temporary ban (say 1 week) on a user for what you judged as reasonable and valid reasons (the user gets notified by email of your action and the reason). The user replies to your email acknowledging the transgression, says they won't do it again and asks for the ban to be lifted. The user sounds genuine. Do you remove the ban? Do you even reply at all? Explain your reasoning. The context of this question applies to longer bans too. If it helps get the juices flowing, consider the situation of a second offense for the same behavior, which has a default ban period of 1 month.
That's great that they won't do it again. They still need to wait out the period. If they don't wait out the suspension period, we will teach them that there may be no consequences in the future if they do the same thing. That could actually encourage the risky/poor behavior to happen again.
- Do you have any Meta posts that you're particularly proud of, or that you feel best demonstrate your moderation style?
This question demonstrates my organic moderation style up to this point. This question illustrates my interest in preserving and creating great content.
- A user has been criticizing your moderation decisions on Meta. This has been occurring frequently over the course of a couple weeks. Some of these posts are very constructively made, with examples and reasoning, while some are more rants. While any mistakes you've made that have come to light were corrected when brought up, it seems that almost every day the user is finding something you've done to draw attention to. The user is a high rep user and generally does not cause trouble, but does seem to have an issue with your moderation style. How do you handle this situation?
Maybe I'm making a mistake, and no one but this user is willing to tell me.
Maybe the user is offended by an action of mine, and is engaging in flagrant recrimination.
Maybe it's a little of both.
I'll discuss with other moderators, perhaps offline, and determine what I should do about it.
Perhaps I need to adjust or change my style.
Perhaps this person needs to drop the vendetta.
- How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments?
See my response to question 1, assuming that their comments are not over the line. To expand without the details from question 1, I'll assume that at least some of these comments are now definitively over the line.
I would then tell them that while their answers are quite valuable, their comments are unacceptable - and I would quote them so that they can see exactly what I'm talking about.
I would tell them that sometimes it's just best not to engage in the comments - and that goes doubly so for them. If I can persuade them to cooperate with the site and stop the flaw-worthy comments, then we can move forward. If they don't cooperate, I will have to invoke whatever options the system makes available to me - up to and including suspensions.
- How would you handle a situation where another mod closed/deleted/etc a question that you feel shouldn't have been?
I would probably ask them about it, since I'm not shy. I'm not always right, and I certainly don't have time to give it the same amount of scrutiny that he or she should have given it - I'm not going to prioritize second guessing of other moderators.
If I'm unsatisfied with the answer, I might ask another moderator to look at it too.
Moderators have to make decisions. Those decisions aren't always clear-cut and easy, but they must be made. Once they're made, it's unlikely to unmake them. I suppose it has happened, but not very often.
If you find any aspects of my answer you wish me to expand upon, please leave a comment!