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This is a great idea. It would rely on the reviews being hand-picked, as the current system for generating audits is too error-prone.
The Suggested Edits queue is an exception, as those audits are generated, but there too we need to have hand-picked test cases. There are too many edit reviewers who Reject the audits there and Approve everything else. We want to teach edit reviewers to not only reject obvious garbage, but also to reject things like: spam, copy-pasted tag wikis, backticks around product names, wrong use of quote markdown...

The review tutorial should be obligatory for any reviewer coming out of a 30 day review suspension. In this case, failure in the review tutorial will have the same result as a normal audit failure: a new suspension. This would prevent robo-reviewers from doing damage between suspensions like they do now.

The first time a user completes the review tutorial succesfully, they should get progress towards a badge. We probably shouldn't give that progress multiple times, only once per queue.

The review tutorial should be optional but recommended for new reviewers. We could encourage it with a bronze badge. ("Attentive" - "completed the review tutorial without failing reviews").

The reviews in the review tutorial should occassionally be refreshed. Otherwise robo-reviewers who are forced to go through the review tutorial will learn only how to pass the reviews in the school.