Contrarily to how you might feel about these moderator actions, this has nothing to do with gender. We welcome contributions of everyone; every gender, race or sexual orientation alike. The goal of Stack Overflow is to build a Q&A site with questions and answers of the highest quality, especially aimed at future visitors with the question who arrive here via search engines. That means that elements in posts which would be perfectly normal (even part of standard politeness) in, say, an e-mail conversation or a discussion forum, can be deleted here because they draw away attention from the real problem. For reference, see this question on Meta.
If the question had started with just
I know this is going to be easy for a lot of you, but ...
it would have been removed as well. Removing this part of the question means your opening sentence
This would've been easier if I was a boy
doesn't make sense anymore, so it had to be deleted as well.
I attempted to remove my answer
Given the circumstances, it wouldn't have led to any trouble at all if you did. Granted, that wasn't possible because the answer was accepted ... Instead you vandalized your own post, and that's something that's frowned upon.