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How to avoid being downvoted for a genuine, well researched question?

I am new to Stack Overflow. I am also new to PHP and MySQL. I have received downvotes and upvotes for several questions that I have asked on Stack Overflow on PHP and MySQL. I am really thankful to the answers provided by experts on this site since I have always got an answer to almost every question that I have posted so far, and I have learnt a lot.

But what is agonizing for me is that I have received downvotes even for those questions which were well researched, properly formatted, grammatically correct (at least to the best of my ability) and genuine. I have corroborated my questions with facts including snapshots of the problems that I have faced and the code where the problem occurs. Now, after receiving downvotes for some of my questions, I keep getting a warning that I am in the risk of being blocked for asking any further questions.

I have checked out the links on this site which provides information on how to ask good questions. I have adhered to all the points mentioned in these articles.

If I don't ask questions about the problems that I face, I am not going to learn anymore. At the same time, if I keep getting downvotes for some of my questions, I run a risk of being blocked from asking any further questions. As a beginner in PHP and MySQL, I know I am going to have a lot of problems.

What more can I do to avoid being downvoted?