##The problem Being a user with an accented vowel in my name I'm used to it being mangled and broken, losing the accent and so on, but today I reported what I though was a bug for Slack to their support, telling them that when they unfurl the link to my profile, or any other link with accented characters in the title/url, they're showing the encoded version of the value instead of the decoded and user friendly one.
In particular they are showing this:
And in their response, one of their engineers (who told me he has tweeted stackoverflow about the issue) showed me that the problem comes from the platform itself since it's encoding the accent twice.
Quoting him:
In this case, the bug is on Stack Overflow's end. If you view the source on your profile page at http://stackoverflow.com/users/363262/juan-cortés, you can see that Stack Overflow has double-encoded the é in your name:
<meta name="twitter:title" property="og:title" itemprop="title name" content="User Juan Cort&#233;s" />
(The accent in your name should be represented as é, but is getting HTML escaped for a second time, leading to é.)
##Is he right?
To confirm this wasn't slack's fault, I created a static page in one of my servers serving accented stuff in both the title and the description and here's the result of the unfurl done by slack when I paste this in a channel.
So he has a point, whether it's something worth considering to fix or not is up for debate but the fact remains. This is not something that belongs elsewhere since it's a problem with double encoding in stackexchange in general
##Note This is not a matter of how the browser handles encoding and decoding of urls, it's a matter of encoding a string twice hence rendering the decoding code of sites unfurling the url useless.
As pointed out in the comments, the title is declared correctly but the og:title