Hi everyone and thanks for the input (do not worry, I am not offended by constructive critique...this is the second time I got a negative response to my bullets. The first time was just a single comment from a low-rep user, but this is overwhelming so I have to take it into account as the right way for this site) ... as you may guessed I am the One in question ...
From the start, some reasons for my formatting behavior (introspection):
It takes me a long time to get familiar with Markdown, and I still have low skills with it so I got a few bad habits along the way as you can see in my answers. It is not just bullets, but also in-line coding due to sometimes buggy code formating tools many times discussed here on Meta, very often made edits while posting a new answer (I make a lot of typos, and the rest is usually due to Markdown formatting hides some information like intervals end so on) which I usually spot too late.
The half stripped sentences are not only for my lack of English skills, but mainly because my mind works in this way. So the bullets are like my native representation of information and knowledge. That is the main reason for this. I think my mind take it as more visually pleasing than raw text, because it is easier for me to get information from it. If you see my answers the most bullets there are either steps to achieve the goal or a list of properties...
So under the weight of the overwhelming response from the community I like so much I promise to limit the use of bullets in the future. But have patience with me; I am slow dis-learner of bad habits...
I just got deleted the answer on the image-to-ASCII art conversion linked in the @AnderBiguri OP (it got +10 votes in single day most likely due to this post) which is the third time. I think the question on this topic with my answer got deleted/removed always from lack of attention from the OP side (no specifics, or at least information on trial/error). So I will try to write Q/A on this topic as a raw model with the limited use of bullets, then will post a link to it here so you can comment me there or here with improvement/changes proposal so I can learn how to rewrite what my mind have in mind to a form more suited for this site.
As you can see, I did not use the bullets this time so this is probably as hard to read for me as the bullets for you.