Before stackoverflow, in 2007, looking for answers was really painful, there was some concurrence, blogs, and forums. No real solution for asking advice on a specific topic. Helping others was also complicated :
- writing a blog post? Who would read it if you're not known blogger.
- Contributing to forums? Better find the right one...
So, starting in 2008, stackoverflow made me grow when I was trying to provide answers. Solving another person issue can be tricky, because of missing context, conveying consequences of your solution to the asker. I learnt a lot while proposing the best fit answers I could think of.
Some answers were just the result of simple googling, copy-paste and cite sources: those ones improved my Google-fu, which is really helpful when you have to prototype whatever new fancy framework (AngularJS 1.0...). Others answers required more analysis on the issue's cause, and stress tested my understanding of the framework/library/language. Those answers really improved my knowledge of various fields, and improved my technical writing skills as well.
And of course, StackOverflow helps me for all the obscure questions I asked while trying to make some code "just better" in WPF or NHibernate.Search :)