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Make the spelling and grammar perfect

Edits made by users with full editing privileges (2k+ rep) are applied instantly and are generally trusted to be correct and in good faith. If you have full editing privileges, you can feel free to make larger changes to posts, add or modify technical details if what you're doing doesn't go against the OP's intentions, or very make minor edits (any edit that improves the post is acceptable).

Before you reach full editing privileges, tho, your edits are put through a review queue to check for problems before it either gets applied to the post or is rejected.

Additional guidelines for suggesting edits

Because your edit is going through a queue, it basically needs to be obviously correct (spelling/grammar/wording/formatting improvements are always safe). Reviewers aren't judges of technical accuracy and they don't have the full context to decide on large changes, so it's a good idea to lean on the conservative side when suggesting an edit.

Avoid adding information to answers

You may want to add additional information to an answer to reflect changes in a new software version, fix an incorrect point (without changing the meaning of the core explanation), or add your own simpler variant of the solution. This is great and it's encouraged if you have full editing privileges, but if you are suggesting an edit you are asking edit reviewers to verify the technical accuracy of your edit. People from all different backgrounds who likely know different languages will be reviewing your edit, so they won't be able to confirm if your edit is correct. You may be able to get by with this for larger tags, but it's generally discouraged until you have full editing privileges.

Be wary while restructuring questions

Many questions can take a lot of editing love, and it's great if you can understand the question and essentially delete it all and replace it with a clear problem statement and MCVE. This usually works if you know what you're doing and have 2k rep. But when suggesting an edit, often edits that don't change much of the technical details will have a higher chance of getting through the system. You should be clear in the edit summary if you moved code from an external link into the question so it doesn't seem like as big of a change. And make sure the title looks good, since it's the first (and for lazy reviewers, the last) thing reviewers see. If you look like you know what you're doing, the edit will probably be approved. But make sure you know what you're doing and don't just replace a question (however poorly written) with your own.

Keep your edits substantial

Most posts have a lot of problems to fix. Since your edit requires the time and eyes of at least 3 reviewers to get approved, make sure you fix all the obvious stuff. Make sure:

  • all the spelling and grammar is perfect
  • there are no salutations, thanks, or signatures
  • code is formatted properly
  • the title describes the problem
  • there are no extraneous tags and a language tag is specified

These problems are so easy to see and correct that suggested edits in the queue are expected to fix all of these. It's even better if you go on to fix larger issues like inlining external code, restructuring questions so that they're easy to follow (background → code → problem overview → failure of attempted solutions → core question), clarifying unclear parts, adding information from comments…

Write descriptive edit summaries

Explain what you're doing to reviewers and the OP. Make sure your editing never makes people wonder what you were smoking thinking when you suggested your edit. This is especially important if you think others may disagree with your edit. (improved formatting is not a valid edit summary)

In general, just try to be as clear as you can in communicating what you're doing and don't make edit reviewers work too hard and you'll be fine. You can try things to see if they're ok before you have full editing privileges because the review queue is there to filter out bad edits. You can, in a way, do more without full editing privileges because of the safety net system, but you must understand the limitations of going through the edit queue.

  • 11.5k
  • 4
  • 43
  • 68