> Example creators will continue to earn +5 reputation per-upvote

> If a user ends up contributing more than 350 characters to a single example, they will earn +5 reputation per upvote

I disagree with this if it means that an example author and editor will *always* receive +5 until an example is deleted - it seems that there should be a limit to this if the majority of an example (say 60 or 70%) has been changed by a single person or group of people. My reasoning behind this:

1. Currently, there are examples which are a good idea to have but end up deleted instead of edited simply because the changes needed are too substantial to warrant the original author getting credit

2. In computer science, especially with programming languages and computer systems, it is [common for the lead author to be the person who contributed most](http://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/2467/what-does-first-authorship-really-mean/2473#2473)

3. This seems like it will lead to a FGITW race to create examples (with only minor explanations like [those in the os module topic](http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/python/4127/the-os-module#t=201608292313580267278)) due to the chance for rep gain - even if only <1% of the example is from the original author

So if a person edits a post (not at the 350 character count but at say the 70% level) would it not be better to shift the authorship to this new author or at least off the old author (or authors in the [case of multiple edits being changed by a single edit](http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/78294)\* or just later edits)?

\* Post now deleted as dupe so no chance of meta-effect