## This change is counterproductive, unless the selection of "related" posts is *substantially* improved.


**Before** making the "related posts" section be *in your face*, the selection of "related" questions needs to be *substantially* improved to *at least* take the question's tags into account. There are multiple places where the *entire site experience* would be far better if the list of automatically shown "related" questions took the current question's tags into account. Fixing *that* overall is what should have time allocated to it, not making *very poor* selections of "related" questions more "in your face".

Changing the location and visibility of these is *counterproductive* when the selection of "related posts" is *often* completely useless. The reason people, at least experienced users, don't click on them when they are in the sidebar is because we usually just ignore that section, given that the "related posts" are commonly *not related at all* to the current question.

Once the selection of "related" questions is fixed, *then* it would be reasonable to look at changing where they are displayed.

Changing these to being more "in your face" will increase users' frustration in a lot of circumstances (e.g. "the site can't even show me questions that are actually related"). Not having good selections will also result in user's just learning to ignore the new in-your-face "related questions" section, which is *counterproductive* to, eventually, having an actually good selection of "related questions". If the selection isn't improved **first**, then when/if they are, you have to work against all the training you've done for your users to ignore that section.

##### *Please* improve the selection of "related questions" *before* making this change.

Note: I don't actually like the new position for this section, so will, eventually, have a userscript change it back, but without improving the selection of "related questions", having this be "in your face" is bad for all your users and for Stack Overflow.