#All off topic questions closed, thank you everyone that helped!
You can still help out in three different ways:
###Ensure future questions get closed quickly Unfortunately, even with many of these tags having updated wiki guidance, people are still using these tags. To check to make sure these are still closed, use these searches: First Second Third
###Edit and delete closed questions to finish burning the tag.
- Current tags: agpl gpl gplv3 lgpl
- Deletion search
###Feed the Roomba The Roomba is an automated process that will delete very low quality questions that meet certain criteria. Find off-topic questions and vote them and their answers to 0 score, only if they do not have an accepted answer. But be careful, only vote down off-topic questions.
Tag is burninated:
legal cpl creative-commons mpl non-gpl artistic-license disclaimer trademark copyleft proprietary mspl proprietary-software patents intellectual-property terms-of-use closed-source agpl
All questions are off-topic and closed or locked:
apache-license bsd-license commercial foss mit-license copyright gpl gplv3 lgpl
Looking for new open questions: 1 2 3
- All off-topic questions are closed, there are on-topic questions left: