*I searched around for a previous topic on this issue, but didn't find one.* I'm seeing what I believe to be a growing trend among low-rep users who are attempting to answer anything and everything to build up their reputation. Some of these users open a question that they think they might be able to answer, and before working out a solution, they will post an answer with text similar to the following: > I'm working on the solution and will update with answer soon. I'm labeling this a **placeholder answer**. This seems to be so they can register themselves as the *first* to answer a question, as if that gives them some right of claim to the answer. ## Why is this negative? I believe this action discourages legitimate answers from being given for a question. When a user is browsing the Questions page, questions that have an answer already provided are clearly distinguished from those that do not. Believing that a question that already has an answer is not worth their time, an SO user who might have a a superior answer decides to move on. The exception here would be if the question was of significant interest. As a couple other answers might trickle in, the placeholder answer will get updated to finally contain the answer. In the best cases, the answer receives a couple of up-votes, but another answer posted before this placeholder answer was updated receives the bulk of up-votes and is rightfully accepted. In the worst cases, I've seen these placeholder answers plagiarize another answer and bash the original poster of the answer while stating "I answered first". All of this is in some attempt to be the one to whom up-votes are awarded. ## What can be done? I feel that this behavior is detrimental to the integrity of the site. I believe it discourages more qualified answers from being given. I want to know what options there are for combating such behavior. - Should I deliver a downvote to the answer, even if it contains a correct answer after it is eventually updated? - Should I flag the answer for moderator attention? - Would moderators even act on users who consistently post answers before actually having an answer to submit? - What other options are available besides being *beaten to the punch* again and again by inferior answers?