While this is not a common issue, I've seen it from time to time. I believe that some answers simply don't provide additional detail to SO. Here is one case:
Try launching the SDK Manager by double-clicking the executable (in my case found at C:\DownloadPath\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321\SDK Manager.exe) rather than launching it from Eclipse !!
answered Jul 20 at 19:52 - Missing Google Play Services in SDK Manager
Lauching the SDK manager in your folder (F:\SETUP\laptrinh\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140321) instead of run by eclipse
That work for me
answered Oct 19 at 17:04 - Missing Google Play Services in SDK Manager
In this case and other similar situations, I add a comment with the following information:
Welcome to SO. Tough we thank you for your answer, it would be better if it provided additional value on top of the other answers. In this case, your answer does not provide additional value, since another user already posted that solution. If a previous answer was helpful to you, you should vote it up once you have enough reputation
Where another user would be the user name that answered the previous question.
Besides the comment, I flag it as "needs moderator attention" with the message:
While this is an answer, it's a "copy" of a previous answer (link to previous answer). There is no additional value to SO to keep to answers with the same solution.
It would be nice to have a flag for "duplicate answer" tough.