My approach is simple.

If an answer is bad (code would throw an obvious error or logic does not result in outcome desired by OP) then I downvote; no constructive comment, they don't deserve one. If I'm sticking around and writing an answer then I'll check if the answer was edited into something coherent and remove my downvote before I move on to other things.

If an answer properly answers the question but provides minimal or no explanation then I leave it be (no vote) and provide a comment suggesting that their answer would benefit from an explanation.


I participate in the [tag:regex] tag and more often than not will provide a [regex-only answer]( and it usually suffices since I supply working proof at regex101. Occasionally someone will ask for an explanation so I do try to oblige.

However, if I feel the need to explain a regex off the bat then I will do something like this:

Occasionally, I will post just the regex with a note saying "Explanation will be provided shortly" if I want to just get the answer out there and if someone wants the explanation then they just have to wait. Sometimes my explanation can take 15-20 minutes to write and I'd be lying if I said gamification is not a motivating factor =)