Should I deliver a down vote to the answer, even if it contains a correct answer after it is eventually updated?
You can deliver a vote anytime you wish as long as it's applicable. If it's updated within the grace period not allowing you a chance to undo your vote, you could even leave your vote in as a way of telling them not to risk it again in the future (given how strongly people react to downvotes in general). Entirely up to you.
Should I flag the answer for moderator attention?
If the answer consists of nothing other than "I'll post an answer soon" then feel free to flag it as not an answer.
Protip: if you don't have an answer to a question, wait until you do.
Would moderators even act on users who consistently post answers before actually having an answer to submit?
People who consistently pull this nonsense? Absolutely. Users who post non-answers or bad answers in a deliberate attempt to "reserve" answers or any of that nonsense are not playing fair, not to mention skirting our quality standards. This sort of behavior is totally grounds for moderator involvement.
Just be sure to tell us this specifically when you flag. Bonus points if you link to revision histories if you ever happen upon users who are habitually tardy enough to fall into that trap.
What other options are available besides being beaten to the punch again and again by inferior answers?
Ehhh... I'll have to get back to you on this one.