##Is it possible?
Questions that start or end with the phrase "Is it possible" are ultimately uninteresting to the Stack Overflow community, for a number of reasons:
It's almost always possible, if you have enough time and money. Usually, you don't state in your question how much time and money you have.
The real question being asked is either "can it be done in a practical way," which is often too subjective to answer definitively, or "is there a tool that can do it" which makes it an off-topic product recommendation question, or "can i haz some codez," which makes it a work order.
Asking "is it possible" is a cop-out. You don't have to do any research or critical thinking to ask such a question. It's a hand-waving, Hail-Mary pass, throwing spaghetti against the wall to see if any will stick.
##So how to fix it?
Explain your problem in sufficient clarity and detail that your question becomes answerable.
Show us your research. What have you tried, and why didn't it work for you? This avoids us having to repeat your Google searches and investigations, if you indeed performed any.
Be specific about what kind of solution you want. Saying "Is it possible" and hoping that someone will throw you a bone is the wrong approach.
Further Reading
How do I ask a good question?