I came across this question today and I knew the answer right away. It was in fact a question on a very basic SQL query (full joins) that most people should pick up in their first few lessons on SQL. The OP just stated his requirement with some sample data but showed no research on his part. Rather than answering the question straight away and waiting for my 15 reputation points to come, I dropped a comment asking the OP to show what he had tried and waited for an update on his question. I already had a mental draft of the answer and even looked up for a tutorial link to provide additional information.
However, before the OP could respond, along came another user who just flat out gave the answer needed by the OP. Thus, I lost an opportunity to educate the asker, the OP went on his way with his solution without being told that his question was not of the expected SO standard, the answerer went away with his 15 rep points and another two specks of dirt fell over the SO policy.
I know I can downvote the question to reflect my disdain at the OP's lack of effort. But downvoting a correct answer does not serve the intended purpose. (I don't yet have enough rep to downvote, but that's beside the point.)
How should I, as a responsible user, deal with a situation like this as I strive to adhere to the SO policy when asking or answering questions?