First place to look for authoritative guidance is not Meta but Help Center.
Second place is, again, not Meta, but moderator actions and advice.
In a perfect world, one wouldn't ever need Meta in addition to above. But world is imperfect and sometimes, you may find out that something is wrong or unclear. That's the case when Meta is really necessary - you go there to clarify things and get help.
Other than above, I believe that for your activities at Stack Overflow, references to Meta can be treated the same way how you treat references to SO (main site) in your programming activities.
Say, you enter programming question in web search and it suggests you some SO post. - Similarly, you do something at SO and someone refers you to some meta post.
You "have a right" to choose whether to ignore or explore SO reference suggested by web search. - Similarly, it's up to you to choose whether to ignore or follow and investigate suggested meta reference.
In particular, you can just blindly follow what you read at meta reference given to you. - This would be similar to blindly copying code from main site answer into your project.
It may work great, but if it fails, it's going to be all your fault for not checking and not studying things deeper.