A lot. Asking a question on Stack Overflow should be the last step in your process for finding an answer - if the information that you need already exists, then you very much want to find it.
You want to
- Search. Like mad.
- Test your code.
- Troubleshoot.
- Read blogs.
- Find books.
- Follow tutorials.
From how to ask, emphasis mine:
Sharing your research helps everyone. Tell us what you found and why it didn’t meet your needs. This demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to try to help yourself, it saves us from reiterating obvious answers, and above all, it helps you get a more specific and relevant answer!
After you have reached the end of your rope and can no longer bear the pain of not having the answer, that's when you can go ahead and ask. Because at that point, you will have hopefully done whatever research necessary to make it a good question worth asking.
You'll have notes you can share to help inform the folks answering as to what you need. You'll have the necessary background information to understand those answers when they arrive. You won't have to contend with a poorly-written duplicate of a better answer that already exists somewhere else on the site. And you won't get frustrated by having your question closed, and the folks reading it won't get frustrated by having to close it.
The important point remains that we absolutely want you to do your homework. Understand that our time is not free, though we do not charge for it. Answering low quality, poorly researched, or duplicated questions becomes tiresome.