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This tag has been [pop]ped off the stack

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted.

The tag is bit of a mess right now.

Is it even useful, or should we burn it?

Some apply it, as the wiki describes, to questions about the pop function of stack-like data structures.

The name of the data structure (, , ) is probably more relevant for attracting expert help for your question.

Should we just remove these?

What is the general feeling about devoting a tag to a relatively simple operation on an abstract data type?

Some use it to discuss email and the Post Office Protocol.

We already have a tag for email questions. Should we swap the tags over in this case?

Some use it to discuss UI pop-up behavior.

We already have a tag for this. Should we swap them over?

Someone has even used it to coin a new acronym for procedurally oriented programming.

It's a wee shame this one hasn't caught on; "pop" and "oop" are more fun to say than "programming"...