This makes sense. There are some minor considerations to be had, though.
###Just rewarding the top fraction of participants to a tag? No.
If gold badges were replaced with a percentage, there would be a big problem. For high-volume tags where moderation is sorely needed, duplicates are harder to find and questioner's standards tend to be lower, it doesn't make much sense to deny the help of a long-time answerer just because someone else has 20 thousand rep. You also don't want to be retracting privileges because other people are active. That's just unfair.
###Just gold badges? Well, that's what the post is about...
Chris Lätta's answers are good. He's obviously not asking for privileges prematurely. There's no doubt he represents the best of his tag, and it makes sense to improve his ability to moderate.
###But how?
Top N, or top N%?
The big warning here is that the tag needs to be important and stand-alone for this to be a good idea. We don't want to be giving people moderation powers because they are top 10% in a tag with 12 questions. This is especially true as tags can be constructed artificially, and there are many ways of (mis)using them to do more than just close as duplicate.
We don't want to give out trust for free.
Top N, or top N% on tags with a certain activity and age minimum?
This sounds reasonable and I certainly don't think it's a terrible idea. I don't know what limits are sufficiently non-arbitrary, though.
Ask and you shall receive?
Why don't we just allow moderators to hand out gold tag badges to members who demonstrate exceedingly good contribution, on request. We could require a post on Meta with a quick round on voting, with the simple rules of
It has to have few gold badge users
It must be an active and maintained tag
It must be a specific tag, so no hand-outs for nested
The user must deserve it
This seems like a reasonably low-volume task and has far fewer repercussions than the current blind handouts that currently happen. There is little chance of misuse, especially if you've just put yourself under Meta's scrutiny.
I like this idea. Can haz?